About Su Hong Restaurant

About Su Hong Restaurant,

Quite often I am asked, “What does Su Hong mean?” Su represents Su Chow (City of Su), where my family is originally from, and Hong represents Hong Chow (City of Hong), where my wife’s family is from. Both cities are located on the east coast of Mainland China, near Shanghai, and are known for their beautiful scenery and wonderful foods. In China, we call them “Heavenly Earth”.

Ever since Su Hong was established in June of 1977 in Menlo Park, we have given our diners the same promises: to use only the freshest ingredients and provide consistent and personal service to ensure the most pleasant dining experiences.

During the past years, we have done some renovations and expansion in order to better serve our customers. In 1982, we finished our first remodeling at our Menlo Park location (1039 El Camino Real), to include a full bar and separate take-out service. Five years later, we opened our second Su Hong in Palo Alto (4101 El Camino Way), with a full service dining room, bar, and take-out facility. In September 1991, we moved our Menlo Park take-out service to a new location (630 Menlo Avenue), just a block away from the original Su Hong.

We will continue to do whatever we can do to accommodate all our diners’ needs. Your friendly advice and constructive criticism are always helpful and enable us to keep improving service to you.

Your Host,

David King.